"Don't go to Cacapulco!" II


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hello again everyone!

So Isha and I did end up going around Acapulco last night. We didn't drive around too much though, because I think I almost fell into a coma, I was ready to just give up and go to sleep! But I stayed out long enough to do a bit of shopping: I got a necklace, it has silver and opal on it. It's pretty cool.

Today went really well. I woke up in the morning and went to practice, and I was having so much fun that the hour went by so fast. In the afternoon I spent some time catching up on my e-mail and watching TV shows. I've been downloading TV shows from iTunes... like Grey's Anatomy (my favorite show), The Starter Wife and The Practice. It was a slow, slow afternoon!

Later on I went out and warmed up, hit some balls and ate, the typical routine for an athlete. I'm feeling confident about my game, so nothing too much.

I had a tough start to my match tonight. She was playing well and aggressively. I wish I could have gotten more serves in. I got through it though, and I'm just looking forward to my next match tomorrow night. I don't mind playing at night, I just play when the tournament tells me to!

Well it's midnight now, I've got to calm down and try to go to bed. I can't stay up reading or watching TV shows. I love to multitask. I have a fear of missing out. It sounds childish, I know, but I really have to convince myself to go to sleep.

I'll talk to you all again after my match tomorrow night!


My note to Venus for Acapulco travel:

Dear V,

Have u gone to the beach yet? Don't get in the water! I'll tell you why later!

Are you staying at the Princess Resort next to the tennis stadium? Make sure to try the local coconut fruit salad the vendors make on the side of the road. It is divine! Trust me on this girl. It's so delicious!

Go Venus,


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